What is meditation? Well…….I looked it up and there were a lot of different thoughts, ideas and explanations on what meditation is. All of them sounded like a good representation of what meditation can be and most were definitely similar or on the same track. This is because meditation is many different things. There's many different ways to meditate and there's many different types of meditation. I practice more than one type of meditation and am always open to new ideas on my spiritual journey, I feel that each person over time can find what works best for them.
For me personally meditation has been the best tool in my toolbox for life. It has helped me heal my body, mind and soul. And let me tell you I'm definitely still a work in progress! To me meditation is not just about quieting your mind and being absent of thought. Although that definitely is a way to meditate, it is definitely not the only way to meditate. This is something that over time if you embark on the meditation Journey you will learn.
So what is meditation to me? Meditation is my friend that I go to when I need to Center myself. It is the time of day that I spend connecting with our Divine creator. It definitely has become my favorite part of the day! It is the time of day I spend Creating my life. I have also used meditation to heal my body, So to me meditation is a healer and a comforter. Meditation is so many things to me and of any healing modality I have ever tried, I truly feel this is the most effective and has produced the greatest results. I am eternally grateful that over the years I have had meditation in my life!
In my twenties I began practicing yoga and I did yoga steadily for many years. Yoga was definitely like a meditation to me and helped me stay grounded and centered. It was a huge part of my life. And then my life took a turn and I I stopped doing yoga. My life became very muddy, but I am so pleased that now that I am practicing yoga again and have been Meditating consistently for the last 6 years that the mud has been washed away and I feel like a new Person. Now I never miss a day with my meditations and sometimes I meditate Several times, literally whenever I get the chance.
So if you're interested in Meditation there are a tremendous amount of resources on you tube and I myself will soon be launching my own channel "The Crystal Clear Mind" where I will be sharing some meditations I am creating and am super excited to help more people relax than I can with just my RMT practice. So check back in soon because I will announce my launch date the moment I am ready!
Also feel free to text me at 519-282-4842 if you want to ask any questions about meditation or be guided to some amazing resources available for free on Youtube. If you text me about Meditation please put MEDITATION in caps at the top of the message so it will stand out as I do get a lot of spam from numbers that are not on my contact list ;)
I So look forward to hearing from you and until then may life bless in every way possible!
Crystal Lecuyer
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